Monday, September 24, 2012

What would the construction of a wall in the south (such as san antonio) be compared to a cold climate? : Eco Answers

Ok I am always on the
search for good info on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
come across a really
amazing article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s new post is titled What would the construction of a wall in the south (such as san antonio) be compared to a cold climate? .
Question by : What would the construction of a wall in the south (such as san antonio) be compared to a cold climate?
What would the construction of an exterior wall in the south (a hot-humid climate) be compared to a cold climate in the north like michigan? I am specifically interested in vapor retarders and where they might be placed in the wall. Also, how might this wall be different if it was to be built “green”?

I’m using WUFI to analyze the moisture condition in the wall for a typical year.

Best answer:

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Ok I am always on the
search for good info on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
come across a really
amazing article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s new post is titled Sustainable Construction and Design .

Sustainable Construction and Design

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Whether you are studying to take the LEED® Accredited Professional (AP) Exam or you are a student in a construction related program, this book is for you! Thorough and complete coverage explains the “how” and the “why” of sustainable construction so you can be better prepared for the LEED® AP Exam and life in the field.   Sustainable Construction and Design provides a solid foundation in the underlying conceptual framework of sustainable construction. Part One focuses on the fou

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List Price: $ 86.00


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What would the construction of a wall in the south (such as san antonio) be compared to a cold climate?

Best regards,

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