Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How Can Solar Heating Lower Your Energy Bills? : Eco Articles

You may know that I am non stop on the
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Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
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informative article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s amazing article is titled How Can Solar Heating Lower Your Energy Bills? .

Article by John Greenspan

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Solar heating helps you as a homeowner to lower your utility bills in significant ways. It is a fact that more than a quarter of your utility bill is likely due to heating costs. Thus if you can use solar energy to replace electricity when it comes to heating, you’ll be saving at least 25 percent of your entire power bill.

One of the most common way to convert solar radiation into heat is by installing solar water heaters. You can buy them for a few hundred dollars. You can also make them yourself if you are under a tight budget. The beautiful thing about solar heaters is their simplicity. And if you make small mistakes while building them, they can still function pretty well although they may not be as effective.

Solar water heaters trap heat efficiently by using solar collectors. There are many different types of solar collectors, each using different technologies. Each technology caters to different types of climate. If you are living in an area where freezing is common, you may perhaps need an antifreeze-type system that doesn’t burst your solar collectors every time the temperature drops below freezing point.

Solar heaters can also be used to warm up swimming pools. Solar pool heaters are cheaper than solar water heaters. They can be built using basic materials in your garage. Similar to solar water heaters, there are many designs available in the market. You need to choose an appropriate one according to your heating needs and local climate conditions.

Solar heated water can be used to heat up your house. There are many ways to do this. A primitive method is to blow air over pipes that contain hot water. But this is not the most efficient way. If you are patient enough, you can lay thin tubing underneath your flooring and let warm water flow through them. This is known as radiant floor heating.

It takes quite a bit of effort and you may need help from a friend or your contractor. But when you are done, you will have built a very efficient way of heating your house that requires very little energy.

With radiant floor heating, heat from warm water rises to the flooring and dissipates throughout the house. This is very different from the usual way of heating, whereby air is heated by a heating element and forced out of a vent. When this happens, hot air quickly rises to the ceiling. Thus hot air begins to fill the ceiling first. It takes quite some time for you to feel the warmth because it takes time to fill the entire house with warm air.

Solar heating can also be applied to different parts of your house. For example, you can build a sunroom to trap heat in your house. This reduces your heating cost as well. The possibilities are just limitless.

About the Author

Solar heaters and radiant heat floor systems are best installed together. They can save you as much as 25% of your utility bills and they are pretty affordable. More information about such installations can be found at my website or at these links.

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John Greenspan

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Solar heaters and radiant heat floor systems are best installed together. They can save you as much as 25% of your utility bills and they are pretty affordable. More information about such installations can be found at my website or at these links.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

You may know that I am non stop on the
watch for excellent content on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
discovered a really
informative article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s amazing article is titled The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling .

The Solar House: Passive Heating and Cooling

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While heat from sunlight and ventilation from breezes is free for the taking,few modern architects or builders really understand the principles involved. Yet “naturalconditioning”—heating and cooling with passive solar techniques—is a viable alternative tofossil fuels. Dan Chiras, author of the popular book The Natural House, brings these principlesto a new generation of solar enthusiasts.Chiras sets the record straight on the vast potential for passive heating and cooling. Acknowledging

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List Price: $ 29.95


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How Can Solar Heating Lower Your Energy Bills?

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