Saturday, May 26, 2012

Wind Power Accounted green power in an electric power generation : Eco Articles

You may know that I am always on the
lookout for good stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
come across a very
excellent information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s is titled Wind Power Accounted green power in an electric power generation .

Article by Prasenjit

Wind Power Accounted green power in an electric power generation – Business – Industrial Mechanical

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When we say green power is delivered or is a “delivered product,” it means that the green power is fed into the same electric transmission and distribution system that serves the end user. For example, a local wind farm feeds its generated power into the local transmission and distribution system of the local utility, which sells and delivers electricity to a local EPA laboratory. Since the wind power enters the same grid from which the laboratory receives its electricity, the laboratory is said to receive a “delivered” product. While there is no direct electric line between the green power source and the purchaser, green power enters the local grid and replaces electricity that would have been generated from power sources with greater environmental impacts. The purchaser of green power pays more (7.5 cents per kWh) because it costs slightly more to produce the green power.Electricity enters the power grid through a large number of power generation plants. These plants supply electricity to a large network of transmission and distribution lines, which transmit energy to thousands of end users. Since the electricity from each power plant flows through.This displacement of an electricity source that has greater environmental impacts with an electricity source that has fewer environmental impacts is the key to green power.Although wind power accounted for about one-tenth of 1 percent of total U.S. electric power generation capacity in 2002, it had quadrupled in generating capacity between 1990 and 2003, and has been growing at a much higher rate than other sources of electric power generation. Nevertheless, wind power’s potential remains largely untapped. A number of factors, including limited transmission capacity and the higher capital start-up costs of wind power compared with fossil fuels in some markets, hamper wind power’s expansion, although other factors, such as federal and state financial incentives, have hel ped spur expansion.Although wind power accounted for about one-tenth of 1 percent of total U.S. electric power generation capacity in 2002, it had quadrupled in generating capacity between 1990 and 2003, and has been growing at a much higher rate than other sources of electric power generation. Nevertheless, wind power’s potential remains largely untapped. A number of factors, including limited transmission capacity and the higher capital start-up costs of wind power compared with fossil fuels in some markets, hamper wind power’s expansion, although other factors, such as federal and state financial incentives, have helped spur expansion.EPA promotes the use of wind power and other renewable sources of electricity-collectively known as green power-through its diy solar cell Partnership Program. Specifically, EPA provides technical assistance and public recognition to companies and organizations that make a commitment to do it yourself solar panels at home for a portio n of their electricity needs. More than 200 companies, including a number of major corporations, participate in this program. In addition, the Department of Housing and Urban Development’s community development block grants have been used to assist municipal-owned utilities to purchase wind turbines. For example, in Iowa, three cities received community development block grant funds in either fiscal year 2002 or fiscal year 2003 to erect wind turbines for energy generation; these grants totaled about million. Furthermore, as discussed later in this report, USDA has several programs that can be used to provide financial assistance for renewable energy projects on farms or other rural lands.

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Wind Power Accounted green power in an electric power generation

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