Friday, December 30, 2011

Shouldn't the debate about "Nuclear" energy be over? Natural disasters are part of Nature.. Atom Splitting ? : Eco Answers

Ok I am non stop on the
move for informative ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
came across a really
excellent piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s amazing article is titled Shouldn’t the debate about “Nuclear” energy be over? Natural disasters are part of Nature.. Atom Splitting ? .
Question by : Shouldn’t the debate about “Nuclear” energy be over? Natural disasters are part of Nature.. Atom Splitting ?
Not so much?

If California had a 9 pointer which it may well at any moment.. all the power plants. refineries, military installations would be suffering the exact same thing.. so far the Japanese have been selective on which data they release.. but anyone paying attention will recognize the flow of info as controlled.. Reality is, even if the explosion helped diminish the radioactivity .. and that’s a big if…
It’s still pure luck of the draw…
Nuclear power is not clean or safe and isn’t it time we start moving away from polluting destructive forms of energy?

Tidal, geothermal,solar, wind and hydro, …. despite what the energy industry and their advertising dollars and pundits will tell you, is the solution to the worlds energy needs.

If the United States as an example stopped spending trillions on “securing Americas business assets” in Southeast Asia and instead began an international initiative to migrate to 100% renewable and alternative energy by 2030… the whole world would follow suit. How do I know? Because War is only good for a very small group of manufacturers and types of business.. if we moved to a technology based manufacturing economy with “New Energy” as the mantra.. America would once again return to it’s 1st world leading status… as opposed to becoming the worlds largest debtor.
” I think that the US, which is in a very stable area”
The California quake in LA back in 94 was a 7.9.. the strongest ever felt there was a “9″ in the cascadia region (Northern California)

So what’s shoddy about my education? And what great scientific knowledge do you posses?
I grew up in the shadow of “Indian Point” google it.. I’ve been around nuclear power for 45 years.. I probably know more about the workings of the various kinds of reactors than anyone in this room short of a nuclear physicist..

The “built in safety measures” require electricity to function.. the power was interrupted and that is what caused the super heating in the first place… are you saying that Mankind has ever once in our history designed one single thing that is foolproof?

Best answer:

Answer by Miss No Name
Don’t be ridiculous, Japan’s reactor did not spew radioactivity. It was contained through built in safety measures.
In Japan, which is in a very active area for earthquakes, can manage to have safe nuclear power, I think that the US, which is in a very stable area, can manage to have it as well. Europe does well
on Nuclear power.
I know there is a tendency amongst the scientifically uneducated to be afraid of technology like nuclear power. I blame the shoddy educational system for that ignorance. An ignorance that has cost many people their lives through pollution given out by conventional power plants.

What do you think? Answer below!

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Shouldn't the debate about "Nuclear" energy be over? Natural disasters are part of Nature.. Atom Splitting ?

Best regards,

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