Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Legionella safety: solar water heating twin coil cylinders. : Eco Videos

Well I am non stop on the
search for quality stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a really
nice information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s fun article is titled Legionella safety: solar water heating twin coil cylinders. .

Legionella safety in twin coil solar cylinders. Does your solar water heating system solar plumbing require a legionnella safety upgrade? Solar thermal technology surely needs to be safe regarding legionellosis, but this kind of solar cylinder is apparently NOT capable of being approved by the UK Water Regulations Advisory Scheme and has even been condemned by several technical studies. But the solar industry loves it! Legionnellosis (Legionnaire’s disease) is a potentially lethal bacterial infection of the lungs which causes pmeumonia. It is generally contracted by inhaling contaminated water spray, not by person to person contact. People with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible to legionellosis. Legionellae infections kill approximately 10% of infected people. They also disable many survivors: some require extra oxygen for life. Most Legionella cases are not detected: medics think that about 90% of cases are “missed”, in that they are simpl y categorised more broadly as pneumonia. Legionella bacteria are very common in water. They mostly inhabit warm water, where they can grow fast. Fortunately they are killed by heat: slowly by heat at 50C and more quickly at 60C. This is why in UK, all stored water is normally heated to 60C: to stop them from growing to high numbers. One noticeable exception is solar twin coil cylinders, which probably comprise about 80% of UK’s domestic solar heating installations. The lower half of these hot water stores is usually not
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Legionella safety: solar water heating twin coil cylinders.

Best regards,

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