Sunday, June 10, 2012

Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy? : Eco Answers

As you know I am non stop on the
search for interesting info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran into a very
amazing piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s is titled Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy? .
Question by jimbeaux: Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy?
This is what’s actually in the Recovery Bill.

$ 24 million for construction and repairs to US Department of Agriculture facilities
$ 22.5 million for the USDA Inspector General for oversight on the stimulus bill
$ 176 million for deferred maintenance on US Agricultural Research Service facilities
$ 50 million to modernize and maintain the IT system of the Farm Service Agency
$ 290 million for “Watershed and Flood Prevention Operations”
$ 50 million for “Wastershed Rehabiliation Program”
$ 1 billion for rural housing direct loans
$ 10.4 billion for rural housing guaranteed loans
$ 2.5 billion for rural distance learning, telemedicine and broadband
$ 100 million in grants for National School Lunch Program equipment assistance
$ 150 million in agricultural commodity assistance
$ 1 billion for the Census Bureau
$ 4.7 billion for “Broadband Technology Opportunities Program” which includes $ 350 million for the
development of a “broadband inventory map”
$ 650 million for Digital TV converter box program
$ 220 million for Scientific research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology
$ 360 million for Construction of scientific research facilities
$ 230 million in extra budget money for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
$ 600 million for NOAA “Procurement, Acquisition and Construction”
$ 225 million in grants for programs to combat violence against women
$ 2 billion in state and local law enforcement assistance grants
$ 225 million in grants to improve the criminal justice system
$ 225 million in law enforcement assistance to Indian Tribes
$ 100 million for the “office for Victims of Crime”
$ 125 million in law enforcement assistance for rural areas
$ 50 million in state and local grants to combat internet crime against kids
$ 1 billion for the COPS program
$ 400 million in operations budget money for NASA
$ 150 million for “Aeronautics” at NASA
$ 400 million for “Exploration” at NASA
$ 2.5 billion for research at the National Science Foundation
$ 100 million for NSF “Education and Human Resources”
$ 400 million for NSF “Major Research Equipment and Facilities Construction”
$ 1.4 billion in Army “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 657 million in Navy “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 113 million in Marine Corps “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 1.09 billion for Air Force “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 98 million for Army Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 55 million for Navy Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 39 million in Marine Corps Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 13 million for Air Force Reserve “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 266 million for Army National Guard “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 25 million for Air National Guard “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 75 million each for Army, Navy, Air Force “Research, Development, Test and Evaluation”
$ 400 million for “Defense Health Program”
$ 2 billion for Army Corps of Engineers construction
$ 375 million for Army Corps projects on the Mississippi and tributaries
$ 2.07 billion for Army Corps of Engineers “Operation and Maintenance”
$ 100 million for “Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Program”
$ 1 billion for Interior Department “Water and Related Resources”
$ 50 million for Central Utah Project Completion Act
$ 50 million for California Bay-Delta Restoration Act
$ 10 million to inspect canals in urban areas
$ 16.8 billion for Energy Department, “Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy”
$ 5 billion of that goes for “Weatherization Assistance”
$ 4.5 billion to improve the nation’s electricity grid
$ 3.4 billion for “Fossil Energy Research and Development”
$ 483 million for “Non-Defense Environmental Cleanup”
$ 390 million for “Uranium Enrichment Decontamination and Decommissioning Fund”
$ 1.6 billion for “Science”
$ 6 billion “Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program”
$ 5.12 billion for “Defense Environmental Cleanup”
$ 7 million for oversight of “Making Work Pay” tax credits and payments in this bill
$ 80 million to implement health insurance tax credit plan
$ 5.5 billion for the “Federal Buildings Fund”
$ 300 million to buy energy efficient vehicles for the federal government
$ 200 million to consolidate the Department of Homeland Security Headquarters
$ 100 million for hi tech border security technology along the Mexican border
$ 420 million for construction of US Customs land border ports of entry
$ 20 million for tactical communications equipment for immigration enforcement
$ 1 billion for Aviation Security (explosive detection equipment)
$ 98 million for improvements to Coast Guard shore facilities
$ 142 million for “Alteration of Bridges”
$ 150 million in FEMA Public Transportation Security Assistance grants
$ 150 million for Port Security Grants
$ 210 million in grants to upgrade non-Federal fire stations
$ 125 million for Bureau of Land Management activities
$ 180 million for Bureau of Land Management construction
$ 15 million for Wildland Fire
Romare, obviously not all economist think it will stimulate the economy. Take a look at where 200 economists sign a full-page ad saying that government spending is not the way to improve the economy.

Best answer:

Answer by Bub
I believe they will ALL stimulate the economy.

Add your own answer in the comments!
As you know I am non stop on the
search for interesting info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran into a very
amazing piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s is titled Renewable Energy .

Renewable Energy

414UIWmzNfL. SL160

The United States is on the brink of an energy crisis. Every day, foreign oil and fossil fuels become more expensive and limited. Our energy needs increase while our power plants and power grids become more outdated. Our traditional energy sources damage the environment. With all of these energy problems, any clean, renewable energy source is a viable option, right? In Renewable Energy: A Common Sense Energy Plan, Bradford Linscott addresses the impending energy problems our nation faces. He cov

buynow big

List Price: $ 9.99


You may view the latest post at
Which of these items will actually stimulate the economy? Which will most egregiously NOT help the economy?

Best regards,

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