Saturday, July 23, 2011

Is this a good essay? : Eco Answers

See I am constantly on the
watch for interesting ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
come across a really
excellent information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
perspective. Today’s new post is titled Is this a good essay? .
Question by ClareBear: Is this a good essay?
In the 21st Century we use oil and gas for transport, to produce electricity, as well as for many other things. We would not be able to survive without oil and gas, and when the supply runs out civilization as we know it may fall apart. People don’t know how to live without oil, we use it for everything. Hawaii is the most oil-dependent state in the nation, according to the US Department of Energy, we use imported petroleum for 90% of our energy. We pay the highest prices for electricity and fuel.
When oil was first discovered there was so much of it that people thought we would never run out, but of course that was wrong. We know now that the world’s oil reserves will run out soon. The oil in our earth was formed by natural geological processes which happened millions of years ago. Oil consumption is over 30 billion barrels a year and demand continues to be out of control.
The only solution is to find different resources that are renewable that we can rely on. Almost all renewable energy comes either directly or indirectly from the sun. Sunlight can be used for heating homes and other buildings, generating electricity and hot water heating, and all different kinds of uses for homes and businesses.
Energy from the sun can be used in many ways but usually people have a “solar thermal hot water” system that they use to heat water. Also you can install photovoltaic “PV” panels to produce electricity. The solar panels have solar cells that convert the sun’s energy into electricity. In Hawaii there are rebates and tax incentives for installing both, solar hot water systems and PV panels.
There is a endless supply of wind in Hawaii. The Department of Energy says that, “Good-to-excellent wind resource areas are fairly evenly distributed throughout the islands.” Wind holds unlimited potential as a clean, renewable energy source. Wind turbines can be used to power individual homes, or they can be connected to a utility power grid. When utility’s use wind power they build “wind plants”, which are large numbers of wind turbines built close together. There are already some wind plants supplying electricity to people on Maui and the Big Island, and there are plans to construct more wind turbines on Lanai, Molokai, and Oahu.
Geothermal energy uses the Earth’s internal heat for all kinds of uses, including producing electricity, and heating and cooling buildings. You can also use plants as a source of energy. Organic matter that makes up plants is known as biomass. Biomass can be used to produce electricity, fuels, or chemicals. Geothermal electricity production is used in Hawaii, a HELCO power plant supplies 20% of the Big Island’s energy needs and they plan on making it bigger.
Biomass is used all over Hawaii, H-POWER (Honolulu Project of Waste Energy Recovery), runs a “garbage to energy” power plant in Honolulu, it burns garbage to produce electricity, which it sells to HELCO. Materials that do not burn are recycled. The plant produces 8% of Oahu’s electricity and lowers the amount of trash going into the landfills. In Hawaii we use agricultural waste to produce electricity as well.
The ocean is a very powerful thing that can produce energy from the sun’s heat and mechanical energy from the tides, currents, and waves. A process called Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion (OTEC) uses the heat in the Earth’s oceans to generate electricity. Tidal turbines look like wind turbines, they are used to convert tidal energy into electricity by forcing the water through turbines, moving a generator. We don’t use this resource as much as we should here in Hawaii. Wave power devices extract energy directly from surface waves, some systems are in deep water, and they use the bobbing motion of the waves to power a pump that creates electricity.
Hawaii‘i has all kinds of natural energy sources, we have lots of sunshine, strong winds, fast-growing plants, raging rivers, geothermal heat, and warm and cold ocean water. All of these resources have the potential to help make energy and lower our dependence on imported petroleum. I think Hawaii should use more hydropower. Hydropower is using the energy in moving water to produce electricity. The force of a waterfall, river, or wave spins a turbine that turns a generator that produces electricity. We live on an island, we are surrounded by water!

Best answer:

Answer by Olivia
No. Write it over.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Is this a good essay?

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How alternative energy sources reduce the costs of business electric supply : Eco Articles

Well I am non stop on the
search for fun ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran across a very
informative article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s fun article is titled How alternative energy sources reduce the costs of business electric supply .

Article by D.K. Pandey

As a business your primary objective is to make a profit and as a manager your primary objective is to increase that profit ever year. One of your routines should be to check your business electric account and trim off any unnecessary usage. This is not simply a routine to eliminate waste but it is also time to start considering alternative quotes from the various energy suppliers. Each supplier is able to offer their clients any price since the supply of energy is no longer regulated by the government. All they need to do is be sure that their operating costs are covered. This has opened many doors specifically in the name of research for alternative energy sources. While alternative energy is more expensive on average this is based mainly on implementation costs. Therefore a supplier that works hard on finding new sources of energy will eventually be able to meet your business electric needs at lower costs.

Though this statement may seem contradictory, it simply goes to show that to implement alternative energy supply the costs are the same regardless of how many kilowatt hours are produced. Therefore the more energy that is created the cheaper energy becomes. In effect the alternative energy is subsidising traditional energy sources. Your business electric account can easily be sliced down to the bare necessities by hunting down the suppliers who are offering the very best business electric rates.

Your business electric account can also be manipulated by making necessary adjustments to the way the business is run. This means with some employee buy-in you are able to reduce waste. Some very simple examples include turning off lights computer monitors and other equipment, as well as keeping windows closed.Therefore the more energy that is created the cheaper energy becomes. Certain products such as double glazed windows that keep the heat either in or out or energy monitors that can assist with locating a defect in older equipment that is draining excessive energy can also greatly help to keep the business electric expenditure lower.

With so much on offer the great news is that there is a professional on all products offered by all suppliers that can help you when it comes to meeting your business electric and financial needs. PCM Switch can assist in all such matters at no cost to you whatsoever. Give them a call, you have a professional on your side.

For more information about Business Electric Suppliers, please visit

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How alternative energy sources reduce the costs of business electric supply

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Sony Ericsson EP800 Energy-Saving Micro USB Charger for Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, Arc and Other Mobile Phones - Charger - Retail Packaging - Black : Eco Products

Well I am constantly on the
search for informative info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
discovered a really
amazing information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s fun article is titled Sony Ericsson EP800 Energy-Saving Micro USB Charger for Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, Arc and Other Mobile Phones – Charger – Retail Packaging – Black .

Sony Ericsson EP800 Energy-Saving Micro USB Charger for Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, Arc and Other Mobile Phones – Charger – Retail Packaging – Black

31UR2XhJGqL. SL160

  • Energy Saving Mini-Charger.
  • Ultra-fast and Energy-efficient.
  • Compatible with all Micro USB-charged mobile devices.

Always on the go? Enjoy your favorite TV series or film. Or escape into your own world of mobile music. Don’t worry. EP800 will keep your mobile phone charged. Sony Ericsson EP800 charger is Ultra-fast, Energy-efficient, Super-small, With a green heart. The ideal companion to your Micro USB-charged mobile!

buynow big

List Price: $ 24.95

Price: $ 24.95

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Sony Ericsson EP800 Energy-Saving Micro USB Charger for Sony Ericsson Xperia PLAY, Arc and Other Mobile Phones - Charger - Retail Packaging - Black

Best regards,

Friday, July 22, 2011

Energy and water conservation : Eco Videos

Ok I am always on the
search for new articles on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran across a really
fun piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s amazing post is titled Energy and water conservation .

water and energy conservation presentation

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Energy and water conservation

Best regards,

Alternative Energy Sources : Eco Articles

You may know that I am non stop on the
lookout for fun videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
discovered a really
excellent information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s fun post is titled Alternative Energy Sources .

Article by toks jay

When you see the word alternative energy sources one thing I want to believe what come to your mind is the usage of alternative form of energy to generate power for commercial of individual usage. So what then are the alternative sources that avails the usage of man as a consumer on earth.

Herewith are sources of energy you should know.

-. Solar energy

We all know what a solar power is gotten from in our first grader class but what we do not know that this can be used by man to generate electrical power to the benefit of man. From time past people have been using this form of energy to their best of understanding knowledge simply as a source of energy for their daily needs domestically.

Today solar energy as become a most reckon with source of energy after the use of fossil fuel courtesy to the use of a silicon made sheet type of metal called photovoltaic energy cell (PV) converting solar radiation from the sun into usable electricity.-. Wind energy

Wind energy is another form of generating energy and as been in use since the age long years In BC and beyond for domestic purposes. In our generation’s today wind turbine are now positioned in various places to generate electrical power for industrial of commercial use.

-. Tidal energy

As the name implies tidal power involves the use of the tidal forces of sea level tides as a source of energy this been a good source of energy with inexhaustible supplementation but available to only some part of the world.

-. Biomass source of energy

This refers to the type of energy produced in a biological form, from trees, waste, agriculture and what have you. This form of energy generation uses allows the sun to act as a catalyst to convert carbon dioxide from air and water into carbohydrates from the chlorophyll in green plants.-. Geothermal energy

This form of energy production as to do with the availability of energy generating features of the lower layer of the earth crust i.e. (energy produced in the lower hot layer of the earth), unlike all the other forms of energy a geothermal power station is quite expensive to build but is worth the benefits of a zero carbon emission out put.

-. Nuclear energy

As we all know nuclear energy has been in use for the past 50yrs for various reasons some deadly some experimental, but a controlled type of nuclear reaction can be used as a source of alternative energy.

Cut down on your electrical bills today with information’s and materials you can build your own source of alternative energy.

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Alternative Energy Sources

Best regards,

The Greening of Southie : Eco Products

You may know that I am constantly on the
watch for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
come across a very
excellent article that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s is titled The Greening of Southie .

The Greening of Southie

51 joHmdnML. SL160

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List Price: $ 3.99

Price: $ 3.99

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The Greening of Southie

Best regards,

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Will you participate in the celebration on Live Earth Day...What will you change in your personal life-style? : Eco Answers

I am always on the
search for interesting articles on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran into a really
informative information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s find is titled Will you participate in the celebration on Live Earth Day…What will you change in your personal life-style? .
Question by marnefirstinfantry: Will you participate in the celebration on Live Earth Day…What will you change in your personal life-style?
Live Earth Series Starts in Sydney

SYDNEY, Australia (AP) – The Live Earth global concert series kicked off Saturday with an Aboriginal group dancing and singing a traditional welcome at the first venue in Sydney.

Tribal leaders with white-painted bodies and shaking eucalyptus fronds were the first of more than 150 performers at the nine concert, 24-hour series to raise awareness about climate change.

The performance was immediately followed by a video greeting from former Vice President Al Gore, whose campaign to force global warming onto the international political agenda inspired the event.

Gore invited the crowd – which appeared to be several hundred when the show started at 11 a.m. and scattered throughout the sporting stadium arena – to take Live Earth’s seven-point pledge to reduce their personal environmental impact and support policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Critics say that it lacks achievable goals, and that bringing in jet-setting rock stars in fuel-guzzling airliners to plug in to amplifier stacks and cranking up the sound may send mixed messages about energy conservation.

“The last thing the planet needs is a rock concert,” The Who’s singer Roger Daltrey recently told a British newspaper.

Organizers say the concerts will be as green as possible, with a tally of energy use being kept. Proceeds from ticket sales will go toward distributing power-efficient light bulbs and other measures that will offset the shows’ greenhouse gas emissions, they say.

Best answer:

Answer by Homeless in Phoenix
I will laugh more at people who follow Al Gore in his quest for political gain through junk science.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Will you participate in the celebration on Live Earth Day...What will you change in your personal life-style?

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You Should be Looking for an Alternative Energy Source : Eco Articles

I am constantly on the
search for fun stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran into a really
good article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
perspective. Today’s article is titled You Should be Looking for an Alternative Energy Source .

Article by James Canney

We are all in an amazing race to find the best alternative energy source, look at the automobile industry for instance. The government set industry standards that cars have to meet or exceed; now they are finally actually trying to make a car that has the best fuel economy, they have always had the technology to do this but it really started with a lot of pressure from the government. The automobile industry has made great strides in a short amount of time. Like the president says we need to break our addiction to oil.

They also came up with a great idea with the cash for clunkers era, it got rid of a lot of the big gas guzzlers that would have been hanging around forever, because people owned them without a car payment and it wasn't really cost effective to get rid of them. People were given more than the cars were worth to put towards a more fuel efficient model. So everybody got on the bandwagon and got rid of them fast so they wouldn't miss out on the rebate.

Now all the companies are in a very heavy competition about who can create a practical car that gets the best gas mileage. Every time you see a commercial on TV, they always tell you how many miles per gallon that they get and you'll also notice that they tell you how much horse power they have, because they are also trying to prove that the automobiles they are putting out are a lot more efficient, they are not sacrificing horse power for fuel economy.

There are some attractive alternatives to fossil fuels, including renewable resources solar, wind, hydroelectric and nuclear. With the Increasing costs of fossil fuels it makes these alternative energy sources increasingly attractive. But they are still not really practical yet

There is plenty of alternative energy sources that are an option for society to use in the place of oil, but what are we going to do in order to make these options a reality that is widely used by everyone is still yet to come

The problem is that we cannot wait forever; we need an alternative energy source now. Waiting on the government to fix everything will take entirely too long and ultimately it is up to the people to do what needs to be done. Whether you are a proponent for renewable green energy or not, you still have to admit that using a natural resource that is running out, for fuel is not practical.

Many households in today’s Market are looking for ways to benefit the environment and at the same time save money. Alternative energy sources such as the magnetic generator can dramatically benefit with both of these causes. By utilizing the magnetic generator, households can drastically save money while at the same time help safeguard the Ecosystem. You can eliminate your electric bill and reduce your dependency on fossil fuels. Once it is started the magnetic generator will create free and clean energy indefinitely it is the most practical renewable energy available at this moment in time.

If you are Looking for a generator that is free energy and clean energy ,generator find out more about perpetual motion generators for your Home use generator needs. It’s time to stop giving the Power companies so much money, Reduce Your electric bill using a Magnetic generator and start enjoying free electricity.generator

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You Should be Looking for an Alternative Energy Source

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State of the Art of Energy-Efficiency: Future Directions (Series on Energy Conservation and Energy Policy) : Eco Products

Ok I am non stop on the
move for new content on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
came across a very
excellent information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s new post is titled State of the Art of Energy-Efficiency: Future Directions (Series on Energy Conservation and Energy Policy) .

State of the Art of Energy-Efficiency: Future Directions (Series on Energy Conservation and Energy Policy)

buynow big

List Price: $ 29.00

Price: $ 138.91

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State of the Art of Energy-Efficiency: Future Directions (Series on Energy Conservation and Energy Policy)

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Dr. Amit Mor, CEO of "Eco Energy Ltd." : Eco Videos

You may know that I am non stop on the
search for good stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran across a really
good article that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s piece of content is titled Dr. Amit Mor, CEO of “Eco Energy Ltd.” .

Dr. Amit Mor discusses the various current energy issues, including a solution for the transportation sector, the need for energy efficiency, and storage issues for renewabe energy. Check out the Environmental Policy Center:
Video Rating: 0 / 5

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Dr. Amit Mor, CEO of "Eco Energy Ltd."

Best regards,

Benefits of Wind Power Energy : Eco Articles

You may know that I am constantly on the
watch for informative videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
ran across a very
nice piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s new post is titled Benefits of Wind Power Energy .

Article by Issac Gates

Body: In the present scenario, our planet's natural source of wealth is getting depleted slowly. Coal and oil have dried up considerably. Moreover, their presence is also becoming a threat to the atmosphere. However, constant researches on alternative energy resources have given mankind great hope. And "Wind Energy", capable of producing "Wind Power", is one of those hopes. Wind energy is now one of the precious forms of renewable energy in the world. This tremendous form of energy is accomplished through the usage of wind pumps, wind mills, and wind turbines. The entire human race can be benefited from their usage. Wind energy can be primarily utilized for water pumping, generating mechanical power, and for creating electricity. It can also be utilized for the movement of large ships and even airplanes to some extent. The cf rotor is the best example of wind energy's modern usage. A ship can be propelled to a great distance with the help of the rotor. The best part of wind energy is that it can be found in plenty; it is unlimited and one of the most pure forms of alternative energy in the world. Moreover, it does not require excavation or drilling like some other sources. The use of wind energy can prove to be a great way to keep our planet safe from the harmful substances. This is the reason why awareness for wind power energy is growing everyday. The factor of fossil fuels has become extremely threatening for the existence of earth. Moreover, these forms of energy cannot keep up with the population explosion and the industrial growth. On the other hand, wind energy produces absolutely zero greenhouse gas emission. One must not forget that the root cause of Ozone layer erosion is greenhouse gas. The ozone layer is responsible for covering our planet from the harmful effects of the sun. The depletion of the ozone layer in the last twenty years has increased the global warming. This discovery helps us to realize the magnitude of the problem and also helps us to understand the importance of wind power energy. It is used for the working of cf rotor on one hand, and also for pumping water on the other. But its real significance lies in solving the all important environment pollution crisis. Wind energy will help to maintain the freshness of crops. Thus, agriculture as a whole has a great scope of getting revived from it. It will also help to keep the river and other water bodies clean and clear. So, in a way it can help to eliminate some very complicated health hazards that the human race is facing at the moment. On a bigger note, it will help to save billions of dollars spend for the purpose of healing our environment. And one of the biggest advantages of this form of energy is that it can be tapped very easily, almost from anywhere. Moreover, constant researches are been made for making it as much cost-effective as possible.

Issac Gates is a financial advisor who have good information on wind power & cf rotor. For more information he recommends to visit

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Benefits of Wind Power Energy

Best regards,

New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of transport. However, many people are not aware that the burning ... from: Earth Focus One Planet-One Community : Eco Products

See I am non stop on the
move for informative ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a really
excellent piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s is titled New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of transport. However, many people are not aware that the burning … from: Earth Focus One Planet-One Community .

New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of transport. However, many people are not aware that the burning … from: Earth Focus One Planet-One Community

This digital document is an article from Earth Focus One Planet-One Community, published by Old City Publishing, Inc. on September 22, 2008. The length of the article is 382 words. The page length shown above is based on a typical 300-word page. The article is delivered in HTML format and is available immediately after purchase. You can view it with any web browser.

Citation Details
Title: New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of trans

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List Price: $ 9.95

Price: $ 9.95

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New eco-energy: most people associate oil and gas with running of cars and other methods of transport. However, many people are not aware that the burning ... from: Earth Focus One Planet-One Community

Best regards,

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Green power question? help please 10points and best answer? : Eco Answers

I am always on the
search for good content on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
come across a really
amazing article that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
perspective. Today’s piece of content is titled Green power question? help please 10points and best answer? .
Question by Ashley B: Green power question? help please 10points and best answer?
What is “green power”?

Best answer:

Answer by (it doesnt matter)
Green power is electricity generated using renewable resources that generally have a lighter environmental impact than other energy resources.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Green power question? help please 10points and best answer?

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Are Wind Turbines Effective Or Risky? : Eco Articles

See I am non stop on the
lookout for interesting ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran into a very
excellent information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s article is titled Are Wind Turbines Effective Or Risky? .

Article by Andrew Charles

In case you haven’t heard of wind turbine electricity mills, here is a brief description. The conventional design resembles a tiny windmill on a toll tower. Whenever the wind blows the turbine the blades make the rotor rotate and the movement of the rotor makes the generator within the turbine generate power. As with many types of power generators, magnets and copper wires are set up to create a charge when the rotor spins. There’s nothing complicated about this type of generator.

There must be sufficient wind to move the blades for these power generators to create electricity. The reason turbines are built so extremely high is to take advantage of the more potent winds found at more significant altitudes. This height allows the rotor to receive more exposure to the wind and therefore create more electricity. All of this does not matter if there was no wind from the beginning. Prior to an installation of turbines is engineered, detailed analysis of wind patterns for the intended site is reviewed. This has a tendency to mean they are positioned along coastlines where it is usually very windy. Consistent winds does not mean that they consistently blow from the same exact direction. Nonetheless the design is extremely clever and they are manufactured so that the rotor turns towards the wind, enabling them to catch the wind from any direction.

Enough electricity to meet the requirements of an entire household might be produced from a solitary turbine. When there’s no wind, a battery backup assembly is used to meet electrical needs. While they can certainly produce a lot of electricity, they are not cheap at all and getting back your introductory investment on one will take many years. Unlike various other green energy methods, wind turbines will consistently work 24/7, providing that there is wind. Wind turbines can certainly produce as much power at night as during the day, lowering the battery storage specifications in some cases. Another good thing about wind turbines is that these are generally eco-friendly as they produce virtually no pollution. More turbines may reduce the causes of global warming which in turn threaten the planet today. Harnessing the strength of the wind is utilizing a truly renewable resource. Therefore there is always likely to be energy generated by the turbines.

Let’s consider what some may describe as the cons of wind turbine generated electricity. They’re certainly not a pretty sight, especially because they’re so big. When clustered in groups, such as the large commercial installations in coastal districts and even out at sea, exactly where there are high winds, they are certainly not an attractive site. Noise pollution is an additional complaint due to the friction of the rotor against the shaft when it spins. While good for meeting the needs of human beings, they can be harmful to birds and bats. The rationale stated for bats soaring into wind turbines is that the motion in the air disrupts their ability to hear and see with sonar. There are no statistics on how frequently this happens, nevertheless.

Wind turbines surely seem to be a excellent source of energy, but needless to say there are downsides like with anything. Wind turbines offer remarkable promise for generating clean, renewable and safe energy, with handful of serious downsides.

You may view the latest post at
Are Wind Turbines Effective Or Risky?

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Quest for renewable power turns back to water : Eco News

Well I am non stop on the
watch for new videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran across a very
nice information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
perspective. Today’s new article is titled Quest for renewable power turns back to water .
Quest for renewable power turns back to water
The powerful flow of the Mississippi River, which brought destruction to scores living near its flooded banks this spring, is viewed by a new generation of energy entrepreneurs as a reliable alternative way to generate…
Read more on Channel 8 San Diego

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Quest for renewable power turns back to water

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Sunforce 60021 10 Amp Charge Controller : Eco Products

Ok I am non stop on the
lookout for good ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
came across a very
amazing piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s fun post is titled Sunforce 60021 10 Amp Charge Controller .

Sunforce 60021 10 Amp Charge Controller

41AEgLuN2bL. SL160

  • Protect battery from overcharging and discharging
  • Handles up to 10 Amps of array current
  • Maintenance free protection of your solar panel and batteries
  • maintains 12V batteries in a fully charged state
  • Small and compact

The Sunforce charge controller is the perfect solution to prevent the overcharging of 12V batteries. They protect the battery from both overcharge and discharge. This product is for use with 12 Volt Solar Panels and batteries only. The units handles up to 10 Amps of array current. The `60021 unit allows for completely maintenance free protection of solar panels and batteries. The 60021 also maintains battery voltage. For technical support with this item you can call 1-888-478-6435, or email info

buynow big

List Price: $ 49.99

Price: $ 28.39

You may view the latest post at
Sunforce 60021 10 Amp Charge Controller

Best regards,

Monday, July 18, 2011

BBC Journalist Greg Palast: Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants!! 1/2 : Eco Videos

Well I am always on the
search for fun info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
discovered a very
nice piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s fun article is titled BBC Journalist Greg Palast: Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants!! 1/2 .

Red Alert: Alex talks about nuclear radiation reaching Alaska and the threat the US faces from the Fukushima nuclear catastrophe. He also talks with New York Times-bestselling author and journalist for the British Broadcasting Corporation, Greg Palast. [[ The no-BS info on Japan's disastrous nuclear operators ]] I need to speak to you, not as a reporter, but in my former capacity as lead investigator in several government nuclear plant fraud and racketeering investigations. I don’t know the law in Japan, so I can’t tell you if Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) can plead insanity to the homicides about to happen. But what will Obama plead? The Administration, just months ago, asked Congress to provide a billion loan guarantee for two new nuclear reactors to be built and operated on the Gulf Coast of Texas — by Tokyo Electric Power and local partners. As if the Gulf hasn’t suffere d enough.
Video Rating: 4 / 5

You may view the latest post at
BBC Journalist Greg Palast: Tokyo Electric to Build US Nuclear Plants!! 1/2

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Latest Green Power News : Eco News

As you know I am non stop on the
search for good videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
ran into a really
nice piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s piece of content is titled Green Talent Taps Into People Power .
Green Talent Taps Into People Power
Social media initiative to shake up traditional career advice model (PRWeb July 14, 2011) Read the full story at
Read more on PRWeb

You may view the latest post at
Latest Green Power News

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Africa: Region's Energy Firms Dominate UK Awards : Eco News

See I am constantly on the
search for informative videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
discovered a very
sweet piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s piece of content is titled Africa: Region’s Energy Firms Dominate UK Awards .
Africa: Region’s Energy Firms Dominate UK Awards
African green energy firms including a Uganda based energy company have been named as top winners at the United Kingdom’s (UK) leading renewable energy awards.

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Africa: Region's Energy Firms Dominate UK Awards

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Wind Power History and Its Role in Various Civilizations : Eco Articles

I am always on the
move for informative videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran into a very
excellent article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s amazing post is titled Wind Power History and Its Role in Various Civilizations .

Article by Sam Pattison

Wind power energy has tremendous potential. It can solve various problems which the human race is constantly facing at present. The requirement of wind power as a source of energy is now at its peak at present. The constant rise of price of oil has forced mankind to think for an alternative source. The crisis has compelled the inhabitants of earth to look back into the wind power history in search of answers.As per the recorded evidence, wind power generation first took place about a century ago. During that time it was primarily used for grinding flour and pumping water. The very first structure of windmill was found in a place near Persia. These windmills were arguably the first machines used for harnessing the energy from wind. The experts believe that the windmill concept spread to parts of Europe and then to America, from this place near Persia. However, Netherlands was the first European country to come out with the structure of modern windmill. The sophisticated tec hnology behind the windmill then began to spread in the European continent; most of the countries in Europe welcomed it, and made necessary changes based on their requirement.However, modern researchers have made a very good point on the wind power history. They credit the sailboats for first using the power of wind energy. And they have enough evidence on their side to prove the point. It is important to know in this context that the ancient sailboats made their sails from animal hides. No doubt these sails were heavy, but they perfectly utilized the wind and its direction for guiding the boats. Bigger sailboats, and ultimately ships evolved from them. Modern ships later used the law of magnus effect for harnessing wind energy in their favor.American windmills started to show up in the middle of nineteenth century. They have played a significant role in wind power history. The Aermotor and Dempster designs were extremely popular at that time. However, it is really surprising that so me of these ancient models still do exist in America. A visit to these sites will certainly rekindle the memory of ancient lifestyle as depicted in the history books. It is a wonder how mankind has evolved from that stage, and is now at the moment using the magnus effect for the purpose of full utilization of wind energy. However, just like in Europe, the American windmills were also utilized for the maintenance of cattle and for farming.From 1851 to 1971, nearly about 6,000,000 windmills were built in America. This just goes to show you how popular the concept of windmill became during those days. By the end of 19th century, windmills with the potential of producing electricity were discovered. This is a discovery for which the entire human race can be proud of. This discovery has also paved the way for some other interesting devices propelled by wind energy. The growing usage of wind energy is certainly a step forward towards a pollution free world.

Sam Pattison is a freelance content writer. For information on magnus effect & wind power history he recommends you to visit

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Wind Power History and Its Role in Various Civilizations

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Solar Powered Spinning Wind Turbine with Clock : Eco Products

You may know that I am always on the
move for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
discovered a really
fun piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s fun article is titled Solar Powered Spinning Wind Turbine with Clock .

Solar Powered Spinning Wind Turbine with Clock

31oBZieXogL. SL160

Going Green On Your Desktop! It is powered by three solar panels and turns under standard office lighting. Alarm clock displays, time, date, day of the week and temperature, all powered by solar panel. Use 2 AA batteries as back up.

buynow big

List Price: $ 21.95

Price: $ 17.95

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Solar Powered Spinning Wind Turbine with Clock

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Sunday, July 17, 2011

This dream i had was INTENSE. What does it mean? : Eco Answers

I am always on the
move for good info on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a very
informative article that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s is titled This dream i had was INTENSE. What does it mean? .
Question by Randel: This dream i had was INTENSE. What does it mean?
Okay, so this might not sound too exiting reading it but this dream was like i was actually there and in complete control of my body.
(Yes im aware that is a lucid dream but i was not in control of the setting. only my body.)

I was going down the road in a car with a few friends of mine. We were in a large city, we plan on going to LA so that might be it.
All at once we came up on this huge roadblock and people were standing outside of their cars and looking up. We got out and the shock of what i saw sent a wave of “Heat” Through me. it felt like my blood was liquid fire!
Normally we cant look at the son but we could all see it. it was there and sheding light but it didnt burn your eyes to look at it. K. here comes the weird stuff.
Above the sun there was Earth! It was almost transparent and spinning very quickly. it was dizzying.
to the right of the sun was a moon. (I say A and not THE because there were 2!) It began to move in front of the sun and everything darkened. but then the moon below the sun began moving upwards infront of the solar eclipse and cast a red glow on everything.
the it happened.
No one could move. not even me. There was this sensation like i was Vibrating and this “Swooshing” and roaring noise going through my head. my knees buckled and everything went back to normal. people were raising up off of the ground holding their heads and children. noone knew how to explain it. then I shot up in bed in a cold sweat.
This was the single most vivid and terrifying dream i have ever had in my entire life.
What could it mean!?

Best answer:

Answer by smores2497
thats scary. mayb ur dreams are tryin to tell u not to go to LA like something isnt right

What do you think? Answer below!

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This dream i had was INTENSE. What does it mean?

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Latest The Energy Source News : Eco News

Ok I am always on the
move for good articles on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
came across a very
good piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s is titled Forest service to fund woody biomass energy studies .
Forest service to fund woody biomass energy studies
LINCOLN — The Nebraska Forest Service has funds available to help institutions determine whether they are candidates for conversion to woody biomass energy.
Read more on Grand Island Independent

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Latest The Energy Source News

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How much power do you get from a small wind turbine? : Eco Articles

As you know I am constantly on the
search for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
come across a really
nice article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
perspective. Today’s is titled How much power do you get from a small wind turbine? .

Article by Bruce Knight

Bruce Knight –

Before you purchase that brand new wind turbine and take yourself off the electrical grid, are you sure about the total power you’ll get from it each year?

Your first step is to determined roughly how much power you want to produce, from your existing usage (electrical bills). Look at your total kilowatt usage per month. Next you need to know how much wind you have at your site. Wind Maps – such as the one for Canada indicate how much wind is produced on average for every location in the country. The Canadian map for example, provides the average wind speed at three separate elevations – 30m, 50m and 80m.

Take your average windspeed for your location, from the map for your country. With your average wind speed determined, look at the power graph for some of the wind turbines you thought you might like to purchase. To determine how much power each wind turbine is likely to produce for you follow the axis on the graph till you come to your wind speed, then move up or across till you hit the curve. That will show you the power output you can expect. Here is an example using the AirX 400 by Southwest Windpower – a very popular turbine:

Power Output

Using the wind map for Canada and homing in on London Ontario, we can see that the Mean Wind Speed is 5.53 meters per second at a height of 30 meters above ground.

Using the top graph, Instantaneous Wind Speed, and our wind speed of 5.5 m/s we can determine that our average hourly power output would be approximately 40 watts.

Jump down to the second graph, Monthly Energy Output (kWh) and using our average wind speed of 5.5m/s, we can see that the average monthly power output for our site would be approximately 32.5 kilowatt hours.

The yearly power output, for an AirX 400 watt wind turbine, on a 30 meter tower (approx. 100 ft.) in London Ontario would be approximately 390 kwh.

<img src=”” alt=”AirX Specs” width=”344″ height=”456″ border=”2″ align=”right” />

As a comparison, 3 additional Southwest Windpower models would produce the following power at this site and height:

Whisper 100 – 2,100 kwh per yearWhisper 200 – 2,710 kwh per yearWhisper 500 – 7,850 kwh per year

Compare the yearly power outputs to the power you wanted to produce. This should help to narrow down the selection to a few good manufactures.

May the wind always be at your back, and in your turbine.

Bruce Knight is a contributing author to, with 30 years experience in management, conservation, solar and wind.

You may view the latest post at
How much power do you get from a small wind turbine?

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Alternate Energy Sources: Part B : Eco Products

As you know I am always on the
lookout for new stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran across a really
fun piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s piece of content is titled Alternate Energy Sources: Part B .

Alternate Energy Sources: Part B

buynow big

List Price: $ 71.50


You may view the latest post at
Alternate Energy Sources: Part B

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