See I am non stop on the
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Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a really
informative information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s is titled Alternative Energy Sources Water .
Article by Martua P. Lubis
Water for hydrogen gas is now a realistic option among alternative energy sources for private motorists as well as for trucking fleets, heavy machinery or boats. This technology allows anyone to save significantly on their fuel consumption and results in cleaner emissions.
It is a true bridge between as yet expensive or unavailable alternatives like pure hydrogen cars and a cheaper, cleaning driving experience today.
What is hydrogen gas? – alternative energy sources water Water is made up of hydrogen and oxygen, in an atomic ratio of 1:2, that is, H2O. “Supplemental hydrogen gas” refers to the use of hydrogen as supplemental fuel to your car’s engine.
Hydrogen was discovered in 1766 by physicist and chemist Henry Cavendish. He saw that gas was produced from a zinc-acid reaction, and that this was flammable in the air. The gas was named hydrogen by Lavoisier in 1783 who investigated the make-up of water. Since water gave birth to a flammable gas, he made it up from the Greek “hydor” (water) and “gennao” (give birth to).
Actually, Jules Vernes must have been aware of these developments early. In 1874 he referred to making fuel from water by means of electricity in his book The mysterious island.
By 1935 Henry Garrett ran the first car on water based on his invention of the electrolytic carburettor.
How does it work? Electrolysis of water separates its two atoms of hydrogen from one oxygen by passing an electrical current through water.
Professor Yull Brown is credited with the invention of safely burning a mix of hydrogen and oxygen, which burned safely and which he patented in 1974 in Australia. Not much water is needed for this as the “Brown’s gas” process expands each liter of water into 1866 (one thousand eight hundred and sixty six) liters of gas.
Brown’s gas has a high energy content which results in a greatly improved efficiency from your car’s engine when mixed with the fuel it normally uses, whether it’s gasoline, liquid petroleum, natural gas or bio fuels.
Water fuel can be cheaply made, and safely compressed and burned. Hydrogen is everywhere in the universe. Water is abundant.
The electricity from your car’s battery passes through some distilled water, generating HHO gas. This gas is then connected to your air intake and mixed with your car’s fuel. The very high energy content of this Brown’s gas enables your new fuel mix to be much more energy efficient than before.
The results? Increased mileage and fewer emissions. Your car will also have more power and your engine will have increased life expectancy through burning cleaner. You will save on your fuel bill and reduce emissions with your “new” hydrogen powered car.
Safe? Whereas hydrogen fuel is kept in compressed tanks, highly flammable and expensive, Brown’s water fuel gas – alternative energy sources water – is is generated only in the volume needed by your car’s water powered engine, as you drive. No storage of explosive HHO gas in your vehicle!
Cheap but multi-talented - alternative energy sources water
To run your car on water it only takes the cost of water and a little electricity from your alternatorProduces cleaner emissionsIt’s odorless and non-toxicIt’s only exhaust product is waterIt is used for many things, including welding, heating, fusing and cutting. It can melt platinum!
Of course an on-board hydrogen gas generator only generates as much gas as your engine needs as you drive along. No storage of highly flammable hydrogen gas needed.
Alternative Energy Sources Water.
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See I am non stop on the
search for good stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a really
informative information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s is titled Transportable Off-Grid Power Solutions Based on Alternative Energy Sources: Design, Installation and Maintenance (Informa Telecoms & Media) .
Comparing energy solutions, applications, and requirements, this text explores possible explanations and answers for the two billion people worldwide currently without electricity. It explores the potential solution of off-grid power use and provides a discussion of the typology, different technologies available, and cost assumptions associated with it. Experts from around the world explore the off-grid application to solar energy, fuel cells, generators, wind, and biomass fuel. From this dialog
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