As you know I am constantly on the
lookout for interesting info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
discovered a really
fun information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s piece of content is titled What is the Definition of a “GREEN BUILDING” and Why Build Green Today? .
Article by Marky Moore
Unfortunately “green” is a very hard term to define or to standardize. Companies call themselves “green” when they offer a partially recycled product all the way to completing a US Green Building Council “Certified” building. As you can tell there is a very broad canvas upon which to paint oneself “green”.
But if you really want to investigate green commercial building architecture for your company, here are a couple tips:
1. Ask or look for energy efficiencies: type of fuel used for fleet or ask from where the basic product material originates. What type of efficiencies are introduced in the manufacturing of the product?2. Query regarding the percentage of recycled material in the “green” product offering – also ask the origination point of the basic materials for the product?3. Query as to the corporate recycling, carbon reducing, energy efficiencies that are SOP ?If you are looking to provide a “green” building environment – the opportunities are bountiful….lighting as an energy efficiency – done correctly – may reduce operating costs from 20% to 50% and you may qualify for federal energy deductions.
You may install energy efficient HVAC and water heaters and also qualify for federal energy deductions.
Improving the indoor environment by introducing low volatile organic compounds – both in furniture and cleaning supplies will improve the “health” of the building and the health of your employees.
Encouraging car pooling or providing discounts for public transit to your employees will also help the environment and assist in commuting costs.
Basic recycling can be a huge savings and absolutely place your organization in the “green” zone. Do not print a page if it may be forwarded electronically. Recycle all paper. Move to glass coffee cups rather than paper – if paper must be used secure a recycled paper cup vendor. Recycle and have refilled all printer cartridges. Ask your waste hauler if there are special recycling opportunities and implement full container recycling.
Each step helps your work environment and absolutely helps our planet.
So, Why Build Green?Some of the biggest questions for builders, remodelers, and home owners today are “Should I build green?”, “Why should I build green?” and “What does it mean to build green?”
In the United States, buildings account for:39% of total energy use12% of the total water consumption68% of total electricity consumption38% of the carbon dioxide emissions
Our building environment has a vast impact on the natural environment, human health, and the economy. By adopting green building strategies, we can maximize both economic and environmental performance. Green construction methods can be integrated into buildings at any stage, from design and construction, to renovation and deconstruction. However, the most significant benefits can be obtained if the design and construction team takes an integrated approach from the earliest stages of a building project. Potential benefits of green building can include:Environmental benefits:
Enhance and protect biodiversity and ecosystems Improve air and water quality Reduce waste streams Conserve and restore natural resourcesEconomic benefits: Reduce operating and maintenance costs Create, expand, and shape markets for green product and services Improve occupant productivity Optimize life-cycle economic performanceSocial benefits: Enhance occupant comfort and health Heighten aesthetic qualities Minimize strain on local infrastructure Improve overall quality of life
Greening also means there are opportunities for incentives: tax credits, deductions and rebates. When considering building improvements not all “improvements” are equal. Property owners need to explore what local, state and federal incentives may be available when deciding capital improvements. Solar, wind, geothermal all are credits from the federal government and may also qualify for state or local credits. Lighting, HVAC and “building envelope” may qualify for federal deductions – and possibly state and local incentives and/or credits. Lighting, HVAC and “building envelope” may qualify for federal deductions – and possibly state and local incentives. The notion of and presence of incentives are vital in today’s economy and ROI is improved dramatically when all factors are considered.
In some cases – we have provided solutions whereby the taxpayer/owner of a property actually makes money after capital expenditures. Be sure all avenues and opportunities are considered prior to making improvement expenditures. To learn more about green commercial building architecture, please visit Capital Review Group
Source of some of the information in this post:
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Best regards,
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