Saturday, May 19, 2012

Habitat for Humanity Canada recognizes green building excellence : Eco News

As you know I am always on the
lookout for excellent ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran across a really
nice information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s find is titled Habitat for Humanity Canada recognizes green building excellence .
Habitat for Humanity Canada recognizes green building excellence
Carl Ryan is the Board Chair of Habitat for Humanity Niagara, and has been instrumental in instituting and advancing recognized sustainable building practices 1 over his eight years as a volunteer with the organization. The award was created in 2009 to
Read more on Sacramento Bee

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Habitat for Humanity Canada recognizes green building excellence

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Need help in Project.....!!? : Eco Answers

You may know that I am constantly on the
watch for good stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran into a really
excellent piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s article is titled Need help in Project…..!!? .
Question by durba_purba: Need help in Project…..!!?
I have an inter-school science fair coming up and I need to make a project on “Energy conservation”. I really don’t think that making something like a solar cooker will help me win, as my teacher needs something “big”. Can you please help??? Do you know any sites that will help?

Best answer:

Answer by John Sol
Low energy lightbulbs are pretty big, at least when you consider how much energy they can save.

Anyway, try looking at stirling engines, especially the fluidyne type.

Give your answer to this question below!

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Need help in Project.....!!?

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Could Don Juan Matus' claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true? : Eco Answers

You may know that I am non stop on the
watch for new stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
came across a really
nice piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s new article is titled Could Don Juan Matus’ claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true? .
Question by : Could Don Juan Matus’ claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true?
He claimed that “Inorganic Beings” implant every Human at birth, with an artificial *chakra* in the top of the head (that does not match other *chakras,*) enabling them to drain our (constantly supplied by “God”) Life Force all our lifetime, so that it never exceeds about 1% what it should be.

He claimed that disciplined actions make our Life Force unpalatable to these beings (Amos 3:3), so that they decline to feed on someone who lives a disciplined (Righteous?) life, with the result that their Life Force increases from the level of the toes, to the top of the head, where it overflows and covers the whole body like a Force Field (Holiness?) by which time said person will have gained the full range of fantastic powers- including Teleportation.

In his seminars, Carlos Castanda said, That if we can keep them from feeding on us for as short a time as THREE days, we will build up enough Life Force to *see* (ESP).

If, however, someone abandons their disciplined lifestyle (“sin?” Ezekiel 18:4,24?), the Inorganic Beings are able to raid all the Life Force they have accumulated (Matt. 24:42-43?), sometimes even beyond their normal level of feeding, leaving that person in a vegetative condition (Luke 10:30-33; Matt. 12:43-45?).

This is the most concise and rational explanation of how Spiritual Exercises “work,” and how some people dabbling in “Spiritual Stuff” do wind up mentally even neurologically damaged.

“The value of a theory
lies in the number of things
which it can explain.”

. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.

If this phenomenon applies to the entire Human race, what, about our state, could it not explain?

People who seek “Demonic Powers” get them, not because the “Demons” have any “Powers” that they can give, but because of the Disciplines they are made to follow, and that the Demons refrain from feeding on them. Later on, when the witch, medium, or sorcerer who gained Power under Demonic supervision, dies (since the “Demons” refrain from

Best answer:

Answer by elbeekanob
He is a moron and you are too if you buy into this.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

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Could Don Juan Matus' claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true?

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Eco-Energy Audit : Eco Videos

As you know I am constantly on the
search for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
come across a very
informative piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s amazing article is titled Eco-Energy Audit .

Are there grants available for upgrading homes in the Oshawa, Whitby and Clarington Areas?
Video Rating: 0 / 5

As you know I am constantly on the
search for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
come across a very
informative piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s amazing article is titled GANZ Eco-Energy Semi-Flexible Solar Panel – 55W .

GANZ Eco-Energy Semi-Flexible Solar Panel – 55W

31j bYq9vQL. SL160

Marine Grade Solar Panels – 55WGSP-55GANZ Eco-Energy’s fully weatherproof solar modules are designed to provide clean, quiet and reliable power for rugged marine and other outdoor applications. An unbreakable plastic film surface with semi-flexible aluminum backing make these panels ideal for mounting on flat or gently curved decks. Our solar cells have the industry’s highest conversion efficiency, providing maximum power while taking up less space on deck. Each panel has 4 grommet finished hole

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List Price: $ 859.00


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Eco-Energy Audit

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Solar Power Energy and Solar Poer Energy Facts : Eco Videos

I am always on the
search for quality ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
come across a really
good piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s fun post is titled Solar Power Energy and Solar Poer Energy Facts .

default How can you benefit from Solar Power Energy today? What is Solar Power Energy and why you should consider renewable energy
Video Rating: 5 / 5

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Solar Power Energy and Solar Poer Energy Facts

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Friday, May 18, 2012

Latest Geothermal Energy News : Eco News

I am always on the
move for excellent articles on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
ran into a really
nice article that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
point of view. Today’s is titled Panel considers waiving environmental mandates for geothermal exploration .
Panel considers waiving environmental mandates for geothermal exploration
Unlike wind or solar, geothermal energy located deep below the earth's surface is always on. But companies will often shy away from exploring new geothermal sites in Hawaii because of the state's strict environmental regulations, which cost both time
Read more on KITV Honolulu

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Latest Geothermal Energy News

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All about Commercial Wind Turbines : Eco Articles

As you know I am always on the
search for informative ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
came across a really
excellent information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s article is titled All about Commercial Wind Turbines .

Article by U4D

All about Commercial Wind Turbines – Technology – Biotechnology

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Many energy experts have concluded that the sun and wind are the future of the world’s energy production. The two are popular since they are renewable, unlike other sources of energy such as coal, oil, and natural gas. With hundreds of companies dedicated to the production of wind energy, wind turbines today dot the world’s landmass. Almost every country has wind turbines today. Commercial wind turbines are large turbines that are used to harvest wind energy. Albeit they look very complex, they use a relatively easy mechanism. The inside of wind turbine generator is composed of various components that contribute to its effectiveness.

The most visible part of any commercial wind turbine is the huge rotor. The rotor is rotated automatically by wind. The stronger the wind the more it rotates. The rotor can be likened to the smooth upper surface of a solar panel. Three turbine blades constitute the inside of the rotor. These blades are responsible for the turning of the rotor. The upper most part of a rotor blade is called a pitch. This part can be changed; this thus means that the blades can be rotated. The purpose of this is to increase efficiency in low winds and decrease efficiency in high winds.

Just behind the rotor of a commercial wind turbine is a low-speed shaft. The latter shaft rotates every time the rotor is spun by winds. The rotation from the low-speed shaft is transferred to the high-speed shaft, via a cogwheel located at the end of the low-speed shaft. This wheel acts as a rotation medium between the low and high-speed shafts is called a gear wheel. The high-speed shaft accelerates the speed of rotation to the levels necessary to produce high voltage of electricity with the generator.

An electronic controller, which is located just above the generator, controls everything in a commercial wind turbine. The controller inputs data from two crucial parts of the turbine, the anemometer, and the wind vane. The latter is used to detect the wind direction while the former is used to measure the speed of the wind. A sealed part that is located just after the generator can be automatically rotated to face in to the wind. This is achieved by turning the yaw drive of the yaw motor. The latter and former are located just beneath the gearbox and the low-speed shaft is above the tower.

About the Author

This article is about “All about Commercial Wind Turbines” and was written by Enviko Commercial Wind Turbines & Wind Turbines.

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This article is about “All about Commercial Wind Turbines” and was written by Enviko Commercial Wind Turbines & Wind Turbines.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

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All about Commercial Wind Turbines

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Thursday, May 17, 2012

Alternate Energy Source at Home : Eco Articles

Well I am non stop on the
watch for interesting content on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
discovered a very
nice article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s new post is titled Alternate Energy Source at Home .

Article by Rajesh SP

Alternate Energy Source at Home – Society – Environment

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Its surprising that more than 80 percent of the energy consumed today is sourced through fossil fuels. This is certainly not environmentally friendly. Statistics show that amount of greenhouse gases out there continues to rise. You can do your bit for the environment by switching to alternate energy source at home.

Wind power generators and solar panel systems can be easily installed at home. All that it requires is the right raw materials and couple of days to install it. You will be surprised that this can be done for less than 0.In addition your monthly electric bills will be reduced by 80 percent.

The very first thing that you will need to do is find a reliable DIY alternate energy guide. After you have found a reliable guide you will need to pick which type of natural power system you would like to use. You may consider using both if you live in an area where you expect intermittent shortage of any one of them. For e.g. if you are staying in an area where sunshine is intermittent it makes sense for having a backup.

The process from this point could be a breeze if you have a guide which will tell you everything you need to know when it comes to building your own renewable energy source. This means detailed diagrams, schematics, legal information, and even how to get parts for free. You will be saving cash in no time. In fact, you could realistically have your system built in just two days.

Earth4Energy is a step-by-step guide on how you can set up alternative energy source at home. It is actually a professionally designed and written e-book that can be downloaded to the computer and will show you how to create a solar powered generator and a wind generator. In addition it gives tips how to utilize other sources of energy like ethanol.

For more information about alternative energy at home go to

About the Author

Would you be interested if I told you that for less than 0 you could build your own wind turbine or solar panel system in just two days? If so, then just go to You do want to save hundreds of dollars every month by using the earth for energy.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Rajesh SP

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Would you be interested if I told you that for less than 0 you could build your own wind turbine or solar panel system in just two days? If so, then just go to You do want to save hundreds of dollars every month by using the earth for energy.

Use and distribution of this article is subject to our Publisher Guidelines
whereby the original author’s information and copyright must be included.

Well I am non stop on the
watch for interesting content on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
discovered a very
nice article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
light. Today’s new post is titled Alternative Energy Sources V : Biomass, Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen .

Alternative Energy Sources V : Biomass, Hydrocarbons, Hydrogen

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List Price: $ 185.00


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Alternate Energy Source at Home

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November 30, 2011 Los Angeles Wind Storm: Power Line Transformers Arcing Across Night Sky : Eco Videos

Ok I am non stop on the
move for new videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran into a very
excellent piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s piece of content is titled November 30, 2011 Los Angeles Wind Storm: Power Line Transformers Arcing Across Night Sky .

On November 30, 2011, strong winds of up to 70mph swept across the Los Angeles area, knocking out power to over 250000 residents. This video shows power line transformers arcing across the horizon, lighting up the night sky.

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November 30, 2011 Los Angeles Wind Storm: Power Line Transformers Arcing Across Night Sky

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Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What does "Green" mean to you? Subsidies, efficiency, religious movement? : Eco Answers

See I am always on the
watch for informative articles on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran into a really
informative information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s fun article is titled What does “Green” mean to you? Subsidies, efficiency, religious movement? .
Question by Atheist Chuck: What does “Green” mean to you? Subsidies, efficiency, religious movement?
The words “green”, “organic”, “nation building”, and now “marriage” are being redefined by society at a rapid pace. Should WWII be Nationa Building II? Should my organic chemistry class be changed to carbon chemistry? It is, after all, pesticide free.

Best answer:

Answer by JimSock
Green means money… in the redistribution of

What do you think? Answer below!

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What does "Green" mean to you? Subsidies, efficiency, religious movement?

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Greenpeace targets Apple with 10-foot Pod stunt : Eco News

You may know that I am constantly on the
watch for quality stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran into a really
nice piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s fun post is titled Greenpeace targets Apple with 10-foot Pod stunt .
Greenpeace targets Apple with 10-foot Pod stunt
Today's stunt was designed to highlight Greenpeace's accusations that Apple is powering its iCloud offering using filthy coal-based power instead of some kinda clean energy – the eco-minded folk are apparently not mollified by the 100-acre solar-power
Read more on Register

You may know that I am constantly on the
watch for quality stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran into a really
nice piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s fun post is titled Photo Jigsaw Puzzle of Wind Generators from Ardea Wildlife Pets .

Photo Jigsaw Puzzle of Wind Generators from Ardea Wildlife Pets

51CmbAei90L. SL160

  • This Photo Puzzle features an image chosen by Ardea Wildlife Pets. Estimated image size 356x254mm.
  • 10×14 Photo Puzzle with 252 pieces. Packed in black cardboard box of dimensions 5 5/8 x 7 5/8 x 1 1/5. Puzzle image 5×7 affixed to box top. Puzzle pieces printed on RA4 paper at 300 dpi
  • Image Description: CAN-3019 Wind Generators Near Tarifa, Spain John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way. contact details tel 020 8672 2067
  • For any queries regarding this item please contact Ardea Wildlife Pets c/o Media Storehouse quoting Media Reference 651566
  • © John Cancalosi / ardea

Photo Puzzle, Wind Generators. CAN-3019 Wind Generators Near Tarifa, Spain John Cancalosi Please note that prints are for personal display purposes only and may not be reproduced in any way. contact details prints ardea tel 020 8672 2067. Chosen by Ardea Wildlife Pets. 10×14 Photo Puzzle with 252 pieces. Packed in black cardboard box of dimensions 5 5/8 x 7 5/8 x 1 1/5. Puzzle image 5×7 affixed to box top. Puzzle pieces printed on RA4 paper

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List Price: $ 24.99


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Greenpeace targets Apple with 10-foot Pod stunt

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Incentives of Diy Earth-Friendly Electrical Power In Your Own Home : Eco Articles

You may know that I am constantly on the
move for interesting stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran into a very
fun information that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
point of view. Today’s new post is titled Incentives of Diy Earth-Friendly Electrical Power In Your Own Home .

Article by RONA SPEARS

In this modern time, you don’t have to plunk down lots of money to possess a skilfully fabricated and built in wind power generator or solar powered panels in your private home to make your personal Do it yourself renewable electric power. You’ll find straightforward “build it yourself” eco-friendly energy source e-books which often highlight down to the letter on how you’ll be able to effortlessly make your own personal energy devices, on a tight budget of approximately 100 bucks with a day’s time. These kinds of step by step guides have been evolving the electrical energy arena as increasing numbers of home owners are beginning to create their own “build it yourself” green power.

The benefits range from the evident saving bucks on electrical power expense, raising the valuation on your house on the whole in addition to rendering your self qualified to acquire electrical power linked levy reductions. Perhaps the best issues pertaining to Do it yourself green electricity that homeowners are learning to embrace is you can convert it into your own dependable stream of revenue. The following are tips on how to accomplish it.

Virtually all house owners do not realize this. For every single chunk of Do it yourself renewable electric power you make but don’t consume personally can be easily fed back directly into the electrical power grid. At this point, you will be making revenue on every single minor bit of that energy source whilst your electricity meter will actually read backwards. So, rather than your meter man dropping by your home to determine the amount of you are obligated to pay every 4 weeks, they’ll be dropping by to see the amount the company must pay back you.

This Do it yourself green energy source is entirely the same as the electric power which you acquire by the electrical power organization, it is therefore provided back to the power grid and allocated within various other homes in your neighbourhood. The administration provides levy reliefs to homeowners that create their individual electrical power to start with because electric power is substantially more cost-effective compared to them needing to maintain finite energy within the electricity enterprise.

Several household owners have began assembling their very own solar power panels and or wind power generators to produce substantial portions of “build it yourself” green electricity. They then leave them in its place devoid of the maintenance necessary so that they have a continuing and solid source of cash flow for years. Home-owners using excess property can certainly model their spare land with sustainable electric power gear and yield electricity grid energy source on a massive scale.

The good parts relating to this automated income source is that it is for years as soon as the devices are made. It’s also utterly at your discretion regarding the amount Do it yourself eco-friendly energy source which you generate since the inclusion of surplus solar energy panels or wind energy power generators significantly grows your power output and profits. Masses of home-owners are gaining 5 figure cash flows in this way on it’s own and also supplementing their existing profit.

To find out more on about how to make a generator and how to build a wind turbine, visit our website…

You may view the latest post at
Incentives of Diy Earth-Friendly Electrical Power In Your Own Home

Best regards,

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Renewable Energy Solutions : Eco Videos

See I am always on the
watch for new content on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran across a really
nice piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s find is titled Renewable Energy Solutions .

SCE&G net metering customers find innovative methods to become more energy efficient.

See I am always on the
watch for new content on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran across a really
nice piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
perspective. Today’s find is titled Renewable Energy – Facts and Fantasies .

Renewable Energy – Facts and Fantasies

51%2BYc6TsQZL. SL160

“Our civilization’s ever-increasing hunger for energy-and its fixation on fossil fuels to provide that energy-is in the process of imploding on itself as our population grows and its demographics change. Yet we live in a world of tough realities, where an elegant solution simply does not exist.” 2GreenEnergy founder Craig Shields provides a broad survey of the subject, presenting 25 interviews with the widest possible variety of subject matter specialists-each chosen to provide the reader with a

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List Price: $ 7.99


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Renewable Energy Solutions

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The Commercial Solar Electrical Power System At Spring Lake Inn Is Helping To Stop Global Warming! : Eco Articles

You may know that I am always on the
lookout for fun ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
came across a very
nice information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s fun post is titled The Commercial Solar Electrical Power System At Spring Lake Inn Is Helping To Stop Global Warming! .

Article by Nathan Brown

If you want an unique, pleasant, environmentally sound experience, visit the 1880 inn we found that has completely converted to a photovoltaic solar power system. Andy and Barbara Seaman are the progressive thinking and environmentally concerned owners of a 16 room inn in Spring Lake New Jersey. Worried about global warming and the legacy they are leaving their children, the Seamans took advantage of New Jersey’s Clean Energy Program. This innovative initiative provides funding for both commercial and residential solar power systems. The Seamans installed a series of roof top solar panels that not only supplies all of their electricity needs but feeds unused power back into the state grid. The

Financial Picture for Spring Lake’s Commercial Solar Power System

The process wasn’t cheap, but the return on investment, the cost savings and the reduction in greenhouse gases that contribute to global warming are substantial. The solar power energy system equipment and installation cost around ,000 and the state provided a grant for more than half the cost. But the savings didn’t end there. There was a federal tax credit, credit for the sale of excess electricity and cash back from the company where they purchased the system. The Seamans expect to break even in a few years and to make money after that. They are already planning to expand to a wind and solar power system in the future.

The Effect of Spring Lake’s Solar System on Global Warming and the Environment

The beneficial effect on the environment is significant. The firm that put in the system, Renewable Energy Concepts, estimates that over a 30 year period the Seaman’s solar power electric system will save 619 barrels of oil, be the equivalent of 541,344 miles of automobile travel not used, reduce acid rain emissions by more than a ton, reduce green house gases by 216 tons and be the equivalent of planting more than 1000 trees. That all adds up to doing a lot to help stop global warming while reducing resource use!

Spring Lake Is Inspiring Others To Install Commercial and Residential Solar Power Systems

The Spring Lake Inn is the only completely solar powered inn in the area but others are intrigued and are investigating commercial solar power systems for their businesses and guest visiting the inn are considering home solar power systems. Anyone concerned about the environment can’t help but be impressed. This 127 year old inn is a delight in its own right but the fact that it has become a leader in solar power makes it even more special. The inn is spotless, attractive, has an interesting history and is located in a village of multi-million dollar homes, tree lined streets, wonderful restaurants and it is one block from a huge unspoiled beach. Each of the 16 rooms is unique and the breakfast included with your room is varied and delicious. Andy took time to explain the solar system, show us the installation, the photovoltaic cells, the bi-directional meters and answer all of our questions. Not only did we enjoy our stay, but we came away determined to get into sol ar power too. Anyone can set up their own solar power system. From a purely financial point of view, the most appealing aspect is locking in your cost of power over the long term. In a future energy crisis you would be immune from the cost increases if you have a solar system. This is great news for those who anticipate or are already living on a fixed income. With a solar electricity system, even as electricity costs increase, home and business owners will not have to worry about increased utility bills. In addition, there are several studies that indicate every dollar saved on your utility bill with a solar electric system will increase your overall home value by twenty dollars. It is estimated that ,500 in annual electric bill savings from solar will equate to ,000 in additional resell value. In today’s increasingly tight housing market, a solar electric system helps set a home apart from the others in the neighborhood. A home with a fixed electric bill from solar power is “cheaper” to live in, and thus is very appealing to potential buyers.

The Nitty Gritty of Spring Lake’s Commercial Solar Electric Power System

The Spring Lake Inn has about 40 photovoltaic solar panels on its roof and two bi-directional meters in the basement. The panels are unobtrusive and the whole thing was installed in about 2 days. A good rule of thumb is to allow 100 sq. ft. of roof space per every kilowatt (kW) of electricity the system produces. A typical residential solar electric system will require approximately 300-500 square feet. Most businesses and homes are able to purchase a solar power system thanks to the incentives and aid offered by the federal government. In several states residents that install these systems are also eligible for rebates from their local energy company as well as certain federal tax credits. A home solar power system will also significantly reduce monthly utility bills. The average six-cent price of a solar kilowatt hour is less than half the average 14.5 to 15-cent rate of a utility company’s power rate. You can expect to pay back the price of the equipment within fi ve to six years. Solar power is the cleanest and quietest electric technology available and an investment in a solar electric system offers many significant advantages.

You can:

* Reduce your electric bills because you no longer need to purchase as much power from your electric utility.* Further reduce your bills through net metering, which credits you for any surplus solar electricity generated by your system.* Stabilize your electric costs.* Enjoy an uninterrupted supply of electricity during power outages, if your system design includes batteries.* Benefit the environment because solar electric technology generates electricity without producing any emissions.

So why wouldn’t you put in a solar system? If you want to know more look on the net and treat yourself to a stay at The Spring Lake Inn. Here are some useful links to get you started.

This article may be reprinted freely as long as this resource box is included. It is provided by

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The Commercial Solar Electrical Power System At Spring Lake Inn Is Helping To Stop Global Warming!

Best regards,

Monday, May 14, 2012

Solar lesson plans: Making energy conservation easy & fun for students : Eco Articles

I am non stop on the
move for excellent info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
came across a very
nice piece of content that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s article is titled Solar lesson plans: Making energy conservation easy & fun for students .

Article by Terry Naboulsi

Energy conservation is the need of the hour. Unless, schools, colleges, offices, hotels, restaurants, commercial buildings, and domestic households make efforts to achieve real time energy savings, it would be impossible to save the planet and its resources from further degradation and exploitation. By adopting the right energy efficiency and energy conservation strategies, one can reduce energy use and ultimately reduce their carbon footprint on the environment.

In order to help schools teach energy and carbon footprint management to their students, Solar SETS offers solar lesson plans. Solar SETS is a product of a renowned energy efficiency company that is dedicated towards energy conservation and energy efficiency for reducing the carbon footprint. Due to its concern for the world’s future, it offers small schools, and large commercial and industrial premises in Victoria, NSW, Queensland, South Australia, North Territory, and Tasmania solar energy tracking systems – a real time energy monitoring device and solar lesson plans – a broad range of educational resources to make energy conservation easy and fun for students.

Solar lesson plans provide teachers with new ideas and suggestions for teaching sustainability to children. It offers essential learning framework resources and related units of work, integrated studies outlines, as well as suggested science, numeracy, literacy and sustainability based learning activities to support teachers in making real time energy saving come to life for children.

Solar lesson plans include fun fact sheets on several interesting and useful topics, such as the actual amount of energy or units of electricity consumed by different electric appliances, consequences of leaving lights and fans on or appliances on standby mode, the impact of junk mails and production of plastic bottles on the environment, and the need for conserving water, the adverse impact of mobile phones and their accessories on the environment, the amount of carbon footprint and harmful toxic substances that are added every year to the environment by households and commercial set-ups, and much more.

Solar lesson plans help raise awareness amongst students regarding the over-exploitation of our non-renewable energy sources. By quantifying the energy generation and use, it helps students learn to conserve energy. In a nutshell, the lesson plans make the way energy is perceived, used, and saved practical, easy and possible for students and teachers.

To discover the solar lesson plans in detail, or how you can use the same to achieve sustainability education in your school, visit the Solar SETS website Here you can also learn about the solar energy tracking system and its effectiveness in measuring, tracking, and controlling energy generation, use and carbon emissions.

An Author is a contributor writer for the site and plays a major role for this site – Solar School Program,Solar Energy Tracking System,Solar School Program

You may view the latest post at
Solar lesson plans: Making energy conservation easy & fun for students

Best regards,

Sunday, May 13, 2012

ClearEdge Power Helps Portland Community College Achieve its Energy Efficiency Goals : Eco Videos

Ok I am non stop on the
lookout for interesting videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran across a very
nice article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s amazing post is titled ClearEdge Power Helps Portland Community College Achieve its Energy Efficiency Goals .


Portland Community College’s Dr. Preston Pulliams and Laura Ward discuss how continuous onsite power systems from ClearEdge Power are helping the school achieve its energy efficiency goals.

Ok I am non stop on the
lookout for interesting videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
ran across a very
nice article that talks over Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s amazing post is titled Dictionary of Energy Efficiency Technologies .

Dictionary of Energy Efficiency Technologies

41qwJ4lfZVL. SL160

This comprehensive reference addresses the diverse topics that form the backbone of energy efficiency in a timesaving dictionary format. Entries include a broad range of important topics, covering such areas as advanced power system infrastructure, power options and configurations, systems of generator backup, redundancy, capacity, power quality problems, power protection, computer-controlled systems, auditing, energy reduction, lighting systems, cogeneration, waste heat recovery, and HVAC syste

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List Price: $ 119.95


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ClearEdge Power Helps Portland Community College Achieve its Energy Efficiency Goals

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Eco Alternative Energy Solar PV Installation Project - Milton, ON : Eco Videos

You may know that I am always on the
search for good videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
ran across a really
excellent piece of content that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s new post is titled Eco Alternative Energy Solar PV Installation Project – Milton, ON .

9kW Solar PV installation by Eco Alternative Energy of Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

You may view the latest post at
Eco Alternative Energy Solar PV Installation Project - Milton, ON

Best regards,

Reduce your energy bills this winter - consider renewable energy sources : Eco Articles

I am constantly on the
watch for good content on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
discovered a very
sweet information that talks
about Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s find is titled Reduce your energy bills this winter – consider renewable energy sources .

Article by rans

As winter comes ever closer we start to feel blue, both with the temperatures going down and our energy consumption and costs going up!

You may view the latest post at
Reduce your energy bills this winter - consider renewable energy sources

Best regards,