Well I am non stop on the
move for excellent info on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
came across a very
sweet piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s fun post is titled Want something to chew on? How about that Revelation merely mirrors Daniel, which mirrors Genesis (very long)? .
Question by NaRk NiHiLiSt: Want something to chew on? How about that Revelation merely mirrors Daniel, which mirrors Genesis (very long)?
This is a skeptics study that was inspried by the Skeptics Annotated Bible.
Here are all of my scriptures as reference:
Note that 99.9% of the scriptures in Daniel used are the portion of Daniel THAT HAS BEEN REWRITTEN in Aramaic. I theorize that this is a direct overwriting to mask or cover something up.
After studying this, it is my summation that you can see that someone indeed wanted information to be told. It’s just that it’s not in the way everyone else says it is.
* These fit if you substitute the word “dream” for “scroll”:
REV 5:2-3 “Who is worthy to open the scroll? And no one..”
DAN 2:10 “…there is not a man on earth…”
GEN 41:15- clause 1 “No one who can interpret it…”
GEN 41:15- clause 2 “You can interpret it…”
REV 5:5 “…he can open the scroll…”
DAN 2:25 “…a man who can make known to the king the interpretation…”
* I theorize that the many angels are speaking of Daniel when referring to the Lamb and Nebuchadnezzar when referring to the one sitting on the throne. (Revelation)
REV 4:9 “…glory and honor and thanks…”
REV 4:11 “…glory and honor and power…”
REV 5:13 “…blessing and honor and glory and might…”
DAN 2:37 “..the kingdom, the power, and the might, and the glory…”
REV 5:12 “…power and wealth and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing…”
* Daniel 2:38 was included to point out in Daniel that, to complete comparison between the two books, one particular type of creature listed was included with the other, leading to three “types” (the beasts of the field for a lion and an ox). There are several verses between Daniel and Revelation that deal with the 4/3 number combination (i.e., several verses that include “3″ then some that include “4″).
REV 4:6-7 “…like a lion… like an ox… with the face of a man… like a flying eagle…”
DAN 2:38 “…sons of men… beasts of the field… birds of the air…”
DAN 4:32-33 “…like an ox… hair grew as long as eagles’ feathers… like birds’ claws…”
* Daniel 4:32 is is Daniel speaking to Nebuchadnezzar. In branching off from several theories, if (1) Daniel [solely or combined with six others totaling seven] represented the Lamb, (2) Nebuchadnezzar represented the earth, and (3) 4:32 dealt with the seven seals, it seems as if Daniel is the one who gets to carry out the judgment that he mentioned of Nebuchadnezzar in translating his dream.
DAN 4:32 “…seven times shall pass over you…”
REV 6:1 “…when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals…”
REV 8:1-2 “…seventh seal… seven angels… seven trumpets…”
* Major emphasis is placed on the seventh scroll. Revelation 8 and 9 describe the opening of the 7th scroll. One could theorize that “the seventh chapter” was an alliteration of the 30 minute silence from opening “the seventh scroll” since it says nothing of the seventh scroll; however, this would have to confirm a backward correlation as of yet unstudied. The seventh scroll effects carry over to chapter 11 with the final two of three woes.
REV 7:1 “…holding back the four winds…that no wind might blow…”
DAN 2:35 “…and the wind carried them away…”
*More emphasis on the silence prior to the seventh seal. If you ask me, it’s a lot like the eye of a rather destructive hurricane.
REV 9:21 “…nor did they repent of their…SORCERIES…”
DAN 2:2 “… magicians… enchanters… SORCERERS… Chaldeans…”
DAN 2:10 “…not a man on earth… any magician… enchanter… Chaldean…”
DAN 2:27 “…’No wise men, enchanters, magicians, or astrologers…”
* In Daniel 2:10 we see that sorcerers were left out of the Chaldeans speech compared to 2:2, and in Revelation it mentions that the people who did not repent were those who performed sorceries. Because 2:2 is not “within” the Aramaic language portion of Daniel, the mentioning of sorcerers was obviously written in Hebrew. Therefore, the mentioning of people performing sorceries in Revelation, to me personally it means that of the four types of people who were to interpret Nebuchadnezzar’s dream, it was the sorcerers who were intentionally left out by the Aramaic writers. This is possibly to alliterate Revelation 9:21. The mentioning of sorcerers in Daniel is relatively close to the start of the Aramaic beginning, halfway through Daniel 2:4. Verse 2:10 could imply that the sorcerers could, in fact, have been able to reveal and interpret the dream. The Aramaic portion could have intentionally left them out to make a point of other reference or to sing le them out as they might be of importance somewhere else in Aramaic. For this, performing an internet search or bible program search through all Aramaic language translations using the word “sorcerer” should provide possible reference points. Either all this, or the Aramaic rewrite merely uses another name for sorcerers at some other point.
REV 9:20 “..g
REV 9:20 “..gold and silver and bronze and stone and wood…”
DAN 5:4 “..gold and silver, bronze, iron, wood, and stone…”
REV 4:9 “…who is seated on the throne, who lives for ever and ever…”
DAN 2:4 “…O king, live for ever…”
DAN 5:10 “…O king, live for ever…”
DAN 6:21 “…O king, live for ever…”
* Daniel 2:4b is the start of the Aramaic rewrite to Daniel. Unless Nebuchadnezzar is god in Revelation, something is definitely being communicated.
REV 5:7 “…and HE went…took the scroll from…him who was seated on the throne…”
DAN 2:27-28 “…’No wise men…can show the king the mystery…”
DAN 2:36 “…This was the dream; now WE will tell the king its interpretation…”
* HE refers to Daniel (my theory) and WE supposedly refers to the four groups of people under Nebuchadnezzar in charge of interpreting dreams because is not clearly written in the bible; it just says that.
REV 5:8 “…when [the Lamb took] the scroll, the four living creatures…fell down before the Lamb…”
DAN 5:11 “…and king Nebuchadnezzar…made [Daniel] chief of the magicians, enchanters, Chaldeans, and astrologers…”
* Here, the theory is that the Lamb is actually Daniel.
DAN 2:10 “…”…There is not a man ON EARTH…”
DAN 2:28 “”…there is a God IN HEAVEN…”
JER 10:11 “..gods WHO DID NOT MAKE THE HEAVENS and the EARTH shall perish from THE EARTH and from under THE HEAVENS…”
* Jeremiah was included because this was the only Aramaic scripture in Jeremiah. Why aren’t christian pastors today bringing this up? Maybe because it will destroy the book of Revelation? The usage of the word “heaven” means space beyond the atmosphere put as distinctly as people who have never traveled upward can describe it. Also, why is there a scripture like “gods who did not make the earth”? Could “god” actually be an alien? HMMMM…
DAN 6:3-4 “…because an excellent spirit was in him; and the king planned to set him over the whole kingdom. Then the presidents and the satraps sought to find a ground for complaint against Daniel…no error or fault was found in him…”
GEN 37:4, “…But when his brothers saw that their father loved [Joseph] more than all his brothers, they hated him…they conspired against him to kill him…”
GEN 41:41 “…And Pharaoh said to Joseph, “Behold, I have set you over all the land of Egypt…”
This is slightly more than half of all of the scriptures used to put Revelation in its place. For the entire manuscript, email me and I will get to you as soon as I can.
Proof is not something for which someone can agree or disagree, but rather reflect upon.
My point? I saw it, no one else is saying anything about it, much less any money-making pastor. Indeed, there is some information in the bible that up-and-coming pastors must put aside (they call it taking it by fatih) so that they can make their money.
“God says none of what you have said is correct.”
If I never made mention the word “skeptic” and instead said “UNBELIEVABLE AND OVERWHELMING PROOF THAT REVELATION IS TRUE AND GOOD FOR MANKIND!” Would you have said the same thing?
Best answer:
Answer by Follows Jesus
I disagree God said jesus is the lamb that was slain for salvation for all
it does not represent daniel
God says none of what you have said is correct
Give your answer to this question below!
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Want something to chew on? How about that Revelation merely mirrors Daniel, which mirrors Genesis (very long)? Best regards,