Well I am non stop on the
move for excellent info on
Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
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amazing information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s fun article is titled Growing Renewable Energy Portfolio among Texas Cities .
Article by ShopTexasElectricity
It is estimated that there were more megawatts of Texas electricity generated from renewable energy projects that became online after the Texas Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) program has been initiated. Since its implementation, the RPS paved the way for more than billion in investments in wind power coming from various companies and utilities. Not only has this increased the renewable energy capacity of the state, it also helped generate more jobs as well as increase the rural tax base.
The Texas RPS program has been successful that it was able to meet its goal 4 years ahead of its 10-year projection. Texas electricity generated from wind power quadrupled since this implementation and is projected to become more and more competitive with traditional power plants. Not only that, several cities within the state have also increased their renewable electric portfolio, harnessing the vast wind energy resources available in the state as well as other renewable electric sources including solar, biomass, and geothermal among others.
Renewable Portfolio Standard in Texas
The first Renewable Portfolio Standard in Texas was initiated as part of the legislation on 1999 that restructured the Texas electricity industry. Not only did it open the electricity market to become much more competitive, giving consumers the power to choose their energy options, but it also paved the way for the adoption of renewable electric options which made the state one of the most successful and most effective models for the rest of the country.
Since the Texas Public Utility Commission implemented the RPS program, the development of the renewable electric industry among the various cities in the state has rapidly accelerated. Not only did this include mass production of qualified renewable energy sources, but it also included consumer-side renewable energy generation such as solar water heating, the installation of photovoltaic panels or any other method that can help offset Texas electricity demand.
Renewable Energy Portfolio among Texas Cities
Several Texas cities have adopted the Renewable Portfolio Standard regulatory incentives. At the forefront includes the city of Austin which aims to increase their renewable portfolio goal to 30% by the year 2020, with 100 megawatts coming from solar energy. Other targets in the city’s renewable energy portfolio include 439 megawatts of wind energy and 100 megawatts from a biomass plant. The city needs a total of 835 megawatts of renewable electric to meet its 30% target.
Other cities like San Antonioare also taking up the call, with its 6-year New Energy Economy plan which includes solar farms, LED lighting, electric trucks and a 200 megawatt clean-coal electricity plant. El Paso is also boosting its renewable energy portfolio with new solar generating facilities using advanced thin film photovoltaic solar modules and dual-axis tracking systems to maximize solar energy production each day. These are all part of El Paso’s overall commitment of utilizing solar energy to its overall Texas electricity generation mix that it will provide its consumers.
Even municipalities like Dentonis also committed to increasing their renewable energy portfolio by entering into a power purchase agreement for renewable energy generated from wind and solar energy farms. This will translate to over 60 megawatts of renewable energy that will make up to over 40% of its Texas electricity portfolio each month.
About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at http://www.ShopTexasElectricity.com
About Shop Texas Electricity- Shop Texas Electricity helps consumers and businesses compare and shop for their electricity plans in Texas. Learn more about Shop Texas Electricity by visiting us at Texas Electric & Cheap Electricity & Business Electricity.
Well I am non stop on the
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Alternative Energy Sources. This evening, I
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Growing Renewable Energy Portfolio among Texas Cities Best regards,