You may know that I am non stop on the
watch for new stuff on
Alternative Energy Sources. Now, I
came across a really
nice piece of content that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
light. Today’s new article is titled Could Don Juan Matus’ claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true? .
Question by : Could Don Juan Matus’ claim all Humans are vampirism victims possibly be true?
He claimed that “Inorganic Beings” implant every Human at birth, with an artificial *chakra* in the top of the head (that does not match other *chakras,*) enabling them to drain our (constantly supplied by “God”) Life Force all our lifetime, so that it never exceeds about 1% what it should be.
He claimed that disciplined actions make our Life Force unpalatable to these beings (Amos 3:3), so that they decline to feed on someone who lives a disciplined (Righteous?) life, with the result that their Life Force increases from the level of the toes, to the top of the head, where it overflows and covers the whole body like a Force Field (Holiness?) by which time said person will have gained the full range of fantastic powers- including Teleportation.
In his seminars, Carlos Castanda said, That if we can keep them from feeding on us for as short a time as THREE days, we will build up enough Life Force to *see* (ESP).
If, however, someone abandons their disciplined lifestyle (“sin?” Ezekiel 18:4,24?), the Inorganic Beings are able to raid all the Life Force they have accumulated (Matt. 24:42-43?), sometimes even beyond their normal level of feeding, leaving that person in a vegetative condition (Luke 10:30-33; Matt. 12:43-45?).
This is the most concise and rational explanation of how Spiritual Exercises “work,” and how some people dabbling in “Spiritual Stuff” do wind up mentally even neurologically damaged.
“The value of a theory
lies in the number of things
which it can explain.”
. -Ralph Waldo Emerson.
If this phenomenon applies to the entire Human race, what, about our state, could it not explain?
People who seek “Demonic Powers” get them, not because the “Demons” have any “Powers” that they can give, but because of the Disciplines they are made to follow, and that the Demons refrain from feeding on them. Later on, when the witch, medium, or sorcerer who gained Power under Demonic supervision, dies (since the “Demons” refrain from
Best answer:
Answer by elbeekanob
He is a moron and you are too if you buy into this.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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