Ok I am non stop on the
watch for excellent videos on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
came across a very
sweet information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s piece of content is titled James Hansen says renewable energy ‘just too expensive’ and calls for more nuclear power – agree? .
Question by Meadow F: James Hansen says renewable energy ‘just too expensive’ and calls for more nuclear power – agree?
NASA GISS scientist, James Hansen, on a recent tour of Australia, has criticised renewable energy for being too expensive currently to be viable and argued for more nuclear power and more research into nuclear power to help speed up the transition away from fossil fuels.
“While renewable energies such as solar and wind were gaining in economic competition with coal-fired plants, Professor Hansen said they wouldn’t be able to provide baseload power for years to come.
Even in Germany, which pushed renewables heavily, they generated only 7 per cent of the nation’s power.
“It’s just too expensive,” said Professor Hansen, an expert in climate modelling, planetary atmospheres and the Earth’s climate.
“Right now, fossil fuels are the cheapest form of energy, except for operating nuclear plants,” he said on the first day of a lecture tour in Australia.
According to Professor Hansen, because the threat of global warming was so serious, nations such as the US, China and even Australia must crank up support for so-called third and fourth generation nuclear systems.”
Do you agree with Dr Hansen that the US and other countries must “crank up support” for nuclear power?
Source: http://www.theaustralian.com.au/higher-education/james-hansen-keen-on-next-ge...
EDIT @ Didier -
some good points – thanks. I personally can’t wait until i can power my home from solar panels on the roof and maybe a small wind turbine without having to invest tens of thousands in installing it, but until they are efficient enough we need some way to keep the lights on!
Best answer:
Answer by Catherine B
If the US had started buying and installing solar panels instead of throwing away billions on the war in Iraq, we’d be a long way towards energy independence. Besides, nuclear reactors are really expensive, uranium will not last forever, either, and we still don’t know what to do with spent fuel rods.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
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