As you know I am non stop on the
watch for informative ideas on
Alternative Energy Sources. This morning, I
discovered a really
informative information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a different
angle. Today’s amazing post is titled Your guide to green energy .
Article by Daniel Higgins
We all know that the process of heating and powering our homes with gas and electricity is damaging to the environment, but what can we do to help? Renewable energies are now available meaning that we have a more environmentally friendly option when it comes to choosing our household energy supplies.
Green energy is really just another term for sources of energy that are sustainable and environmentally-friendly. There are several green energy sources available to us now, and at least 4.9 per cent of the energy supplied by gas and electricity companies now has to be provided by at least one of these green energy sources.
1. Solar power transforms the energy we receive from the sun into power for our homes, while wind power harnesses wind energy for the same purpose. We already obtain some of our energy from hydroelectricity, which is when we convert energy in flowing water to electricity. And lastly there is biomass fuel, where natural materials are burnt to provide energy for households.
2. Switching to a green energy tariff will not only help to protect the environment, but will encourage energy providers to source even more of their power from sustainable sources. Consumers have real power here, as the more people who sign up, the more the energy suppliers will listen to our greener demands.
3. There is the Green Power Supply option, which means that for every unit of power that you use, the same amount of green power is generated. You can also choose a Green Fund tariff. This means you pay a little extra for your utility bills, but this extra cash is invested by the utility company into renewable energy projects.
4. Environmentally-friendly energies are attractive to us as they do not produce any damaging waste, unlike the burning of fossil fuels which emits toxic CO2. Using sustainable sources of energy will also help to provide stability as stocks of green energy will never run out, unlike oil, coal and gas. This would mean an end to the energy price rises and crashes we see today.
5. If you are interested in switching to a green tariff, all you need to do is to speak to your current energy supplier, who should have a green energy supply option for you. Alternatively, take a look online for the largest selection of green energy tariffs available, and make the switch.
Those choosing to go green will likely pay a little more for their gas and electricity. If you cannot afford to switch to a green tariff, then take a look at the energy companies and how the mix of energy sources that they currently use. Some will already use more green sources to provide their power, so you could make the switch to a more eco-friendly company instead.
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Your guide to green energy
Best regards,
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