Wednesday, February 8, 2012

I received lots of thumb downs for this answer...why? : Eco Answers

Well I am constantly on the
watch for new info on
Alternative Energy Sources. Today, I
come across a very
sweet information that discusses Eco Energy Sources from a new
angle. Today’s amazing post is titled I received lots of thumb downs for this answer…why? .
Question by : I received lots of thumb downs for this answer…why?
Regarding DNA and evolution.

“Efficiency is only important for someone who has:

A] Limited time

B] Limited resources

God is neither lacking in time or resources.

EDIT: If God exists why would he need to be efficient? Efficiency is human view of perfection because of the finitude of our existence, we are limited in what we can do so the best things WE make from OUR perspective are the things which require little resources/time. Infinitude need not display efficiency.”

I ask why does God need to be efficient. We need to be efficient because we only so much energy, and we will all soon individually reach the grave, we are finite. God does not need to be efficient, he will never grow tired or weary, or die. And God is allowed to make things that die. He is at liberty to give life and take life as Job says. Efficiency is merely a human view of perfection from the perspective of finitude, the perspective of infinitude does not deman efficient means.

Occam’s razor: if God is our assumption, why add the extra assumption that the principle of efficiency applies to Him? It is not necessary and will just make the hypothesis more complex than it otherwise needs to be.

Best answer:

Answer by Paradox
Why load up a fiction with any attributes?

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

You may view the latest post at
I received lots of thumb downs for this answer...why?

Best regards,

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